Tips to Dealing with Bacterial Vaginosis

By CNY Healing Arts Published on

The initial onset of bacterial vaginosis is not yet fully understood in the medical community. Some speculation regarding the causes includes the use of high fragrance soaps, wearing non-cotton undergarments, douching with strong synthetic solutions and maintaining a poor diet.Due to advancements in western medicine, there are some simple steps for self-treatment of the symptoms. The first step to recovery is to return the pH of the vagina to a neutral level. This can be done in several ways. Changes in diet and lifestyle seem to be the most effective prevention and treatment methods.

Diet changes include avoiding processed foods. Fresh, whole foods are always the best choice when dealing with bacterial vaginosis. When possible, prepare foods by lightly steaming or cooking them. Raw foods tend to require a lot of energy for digestion and create a “cold” environment in the body. Bacterial vaginosis is deemed a “damp” condition in Chinese Medicine. Therefore, it is important to “dry up” internal dampness through diet or herbal formulations. Avoid sugar, fried foods, dairy (with the exception of yogurt), high-fat foods, caffeine and alcohol during an episode of bacterial vaginosis. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumber and radish, which help reduce discharge. When shopping for fruits and veggies, go organic!

One important lifestyle change you can incorporate to treat bacterial vaginosis is to decrease stress. It is important to carve out 30-60 minutes each day to decompress. Yoga and meditation are great activities to help reduce stress. Organic soaps and hygiene products also help in eliminating some of the possible causes of bacterial vaginosis. Bathing daily in hot water and wearing cotton undergarments and loose fitting clothing aid in preventing and treating bacterial vaginosis.